Judy Paine
Judy Paine

Judy Paine


Awesome Albertans

I am joining this walk for my Grandson Atticus Paine who has overcome monumental challenges and is a prime example how organ donations can change a life. Please support this very important cause.

Personal achievements
5 Donations recieved
10 Donations recieved
20 Donations recieved
30 Donations recieved
40 Donations recieved
10km Stepped
25km Stepped
50km Stepped
100km Stepped
200km Stepped
Goal Reached - Week 2
Goal Reached - Week 3
Goal Reached - Week 4
Goal Reached - Week 5
Goal Reached - Week 6
Gifts received
Judy was given a new aero helmet
Judy was given a cup of coffee
Judy was given an energy bar
Judy was given an energy bar
Judy was given an energy bar
Judy was given a water bottle
Judy was given a water bottle